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潮滩作为动态变化的后备土地资源,对其研究具有重要意义。文章以江苏省如东县为研究区,使用环境资源卫星(HJ1A/1B)影像为数据源,应用面向对象技术创建分类规则,实现批量半自动提取水边线,随后利用DSAS软件处理水边线集获得潮位点集,基于最外边界法实现高(低)潮位点的提取,进而获得潮滩范围,估算的如东县潮滩面积为55 182hm~2。最后利用误差矩阵进行精度验证(Kappa系数为0.945)。结果表明:该方法对于潮滩面积提取具有适用性,无论在空间域还是时间域都具有一定的推广性。  相似文献   
本文基于Landsat影像数据获取天山博格达自然遗产地土地覆盖分类,结合归一化植被指数(NDVI)和数字高程模型(DEM)构建“DEM-NDVI-土地覆盖分类”散点图分析研究区植被受海拔和坡向的水热空间变化影响的分布特征,通过概率统计分析提取博格达遗产地山地垂直带,并结合研究区的气温、降水数据和NDVI变化特征分析垂直带变化的原因。研究结果表明:① 本文利用“DEM-NDVI-土地覆盖分类”散点图,揭示了研究区1989年和2016年的NDVI值和分类类别随着海拔上升的变化特征,其中NDVI值随着海拔上升呈现“倒U形”变化,而不同分类类别在一定的海拔区间内呈现出聚集效应,且不同分类类别有明显的高程界限。② 1989年和2016年博格达遗产地山地垂直带分带上限分别为:1278 m和1185 m(温带荒漠草原带)、1784 m和1759 m(山地草原带)、2706 m和2730 m(山地针叶林带)、3272 m和3293 m(高山草甸带)、3636 m和3690 m(高山垫状植被带)。③ 博格达遗产地1989年和2016年山地垂直带受区域气温升高和降雨增加的影响有较为明显的改变,其中温带荒漠草原带最为敏感,其上限变化最大,向下收缩93 m;山地针叶林带的分布范围则向两侧扩张49 m;山地草甸带带宽基本保持不变,但整体上移了约20 m;冰雪带则受到全球气候变暖的影响向上退缩54 m。  相似文献   
可可西里处于青藏高原腹地,是青藏高原自然环境的交接与过渡地带。近年来该区域冰川物质平衡可能有从西向东由正转负的趋势,但是其过渡地带岗扎日地区冰川状态未知。本研究利用地形图、SRTM、ASTER和Landsat等资料分析了岗扎日地区冰川面积变化和物质平衡变化,并对可可西里地区冰川变化空间规律进行了探讨,结果表明:①1970-2016年岗扎日冰川总面积年均缩小率为0.08±0.02%。2006年后冰川退缩趋势减缓。②1970-2012年岗扎日冰川平均减薄-8.64±0.30 m,体积减少1.45±0.06 km3,平均物质平衡为-0.21±0.01 m w.e. a-1。冰川物质平衡趋势由负转正(1970-1999年:-0.34±0.01 m w.e. a-1;1999-2012:0.16±0.02 w.e. a-1)。③东南、南、西南朝向作为迎风坡,1970年以来其冰川物质亏损较小,1999-2012年呈现强烈的正平衡。冰川面积变化滞后于物质平衡变化,东朝向和东南朝向冰川面积缩小率最大,主要是因为冰川冰舌较长,末端所处的海拔较低。④气温升高是岗扎日冰川1970-1999年呈现负物质平衡状态的主因,降水增多是1999-2012年正平衡状态的主因。⑤可可西里地区冰川1970s以来面积年均缩小率从西向东不断增大、物质平衡下降,与西风环流和季风环流相关,但局地气候也影响冰川变化和物质平衡。  相似文献   
城市绿化覆盖是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,合理的绿化率和绿化布局可以改善城市环境,提高城市人居适宜性。研究中将2005、2010、2015年北京市土地利用(LUC)数据中的城市居民用地作为城区范围,应用Landsat 5、GF-1影像数据和MODIS产品,利用支持向量机的监督分类方法,提取了2005、2010、2015年的北京市城市绿化覆盖数据,并获取了同期的植被指数(NDVI)数据;继而以城市绿化覆盖率、绿化覆盖均匀度和植被指数为评价指标,在公里栅格和行政区2个尺度上探讨了北京市城市绿化覆盖的空间分布格局和时间变化动态特征。研究表明:① 3个指标在空间和时间2个维度、区县和栅格2个尺度上都表现一致。这反映北京市过去10年中,在绿化面积增加的同时,绿化的空间布局得到优化改善,绿化的质量得到提高。② 2005-2015年,北京市城市绿化覆盖面积由518.93 km2 增加到1405.54 km2,绿化覆盖率由39.9%增加到49.13%,绿化覆盖均匀度由0.598增加到0.653,植被指数由0.42增加至0.5。③ 北京市城市绿化建设存在明显的时空差异。中心城区绿化建设缓慢,成效不明显;重大绿化建设成果主要集中在城市边缘地区和远郊区县。城市绿化改善过程主要发生在2005-2010年。  相似文献   
近年来水体富营养化呈扩张趋势,蓝藻水华不仅在太湖等大型湖泊频发,水面面积较小的天津于桥水库等也形势严峻,亟需加强卫星遥感监测.但是,以往在太湖等业务化使用非常成功的MODIS等卫星数据(约500 m),由于空间分辨率较低,难以满足小型水体的监测要求;而Landsat-8等空间分辨率较高的卫星数据(30 m),通常重返周期较长,无法满足水华高频监测需求.本文以天津市于桥水库(面积约80 km2)为研究区,针对常用的卫星数据,从空间、时间、光谱范围和数据可获取性共4个方面,评价不同卫星数据蓝藻水华监测能力和算法,同时对不同卫星监测结果一致性进行评估.结果表明:(1)筛选出国产HJ-1A\B CCD、GF-1 WFV和美国Landsat-8 OLI这3种卫星波段合适,空间分辨率较高,适用于桥水库蓝藻水华监测,但考虑到其重返周期较长,建议多星联合观测;(2)各个卫星监测结果与卫星影像目视解译结果基本一致,均方根误差和相对误差均分别控制在0.78 km2和4.9%以内;(3)不同卫星监测结果一致性良好,一致性精度达到99.5%;(4)根据历史影像结果,发现于桥水库2016年水质开始呈富营养化,藻华现象在夏、秋两季最为严重.研究表明,针对小型水面水体蓝藻水华监测,利用较高分辨率数据联合监测,是一种有效的替代策略,今后可在更多小型水域推广.  相似文献   
胡耀躲  张运林  杨波  张毅博 《湖泊科学》2018,30(4):992-1003
总悬浮物是水体中重要的光学敏感物质之一,很大程度上决定了水柱中光的吸收、散射和衰减,同时吸附营养盐、重金属和有毒有害物,对水体物质生物地球化学过程、沉积物埋藏动力和湖泊环境演化具有重要的意义.基于星地同步实验和静止水色成像仪GOCI(Geostationary Ocean Color Imager)构建了太湖悬浮物浓度估算模型,并分析了典型风浪过程中太湖悬浮物浓度短期动态变化过程.研究表明:对太湖水体悬浮物浓度较为敏感的波段为GOCI的第7波段(745nm)和第8波段(865 nm),悬浮物浓度与对应波段遥感反射率线性相关决定系数分别为0.72和0.55;基于GOCI第7波段的悬浮物浓度单波段遥感估算模型能较为准确地估算太湖的悬浮物浓度,模型相对均方根误差和平均绝对百分误差分别为28.3%和24.4%.通过研究典型风浪过程前后太湖悬浮物浓度变化发现其短期动态变化显著,风速、风向是悬浮物浓度短期动态变化的重要驱动因素,悬浮物浓度与风速呈正比,并随着风向扩散;高频连续GOCI影像结果显示悬浮物浓度短期动态变化对风浪扰动的响应有一定的滞后性,滞后时间为数小时到1天,悬浮物沉降与沉积物再悬浮的临界风速约为3.4 m/s.  相似文献   
The West Junggar Orogenic Belt(WJOB)in northwestern Xinjiang,China,is located in the core of the western part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt(CAOB).It has suffered two stage tectonic evolutions in Phanerozoic,before and after the ocean–continental conversion in Late Paleozoic.The later on intracontinental deformation,characterized by the development of the NE-trending West Junggar sinistral strike-slip fault system(WJFS)since Late Carboniferous and Early Permian,and the NW-trending Chingiz-Junggar dextral strike-slip fault(CJF)in Mesozoic and Cenozoic,has an important significance for the tectonic evolution of the WJOB and the CAOB.In this paper,we conduct geometric and kinematic analyses of the WJOB,based on field geological survey and structural interpretation of remote sensing image data.Using some piercing points such as truncated plutons and anticlines,an average magnitude of^73 km for the left-lateral strike-slip is calculated for the Darabut Fault,a major fault of the WJFS.Some partial of the displacement should be accommodated by strike-slip fault-related folds developed during the strike-slip faulting.Circular and curved faults,asymmetrical folds,and irregular contribution of ultramafic bodies,implies potential opposite vertical rotation of the Miao’ergou and the Akebasitao batholiths,resulted from the sinistral strike-slipping along the Darabut Fault.Due to conjugate shearing set of the sinistral WJFS and the dextral CJF since Early Mesozoic,superimposed folds formed with N–S convergence in southwestern part of the WJOB.  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(1):104-112
Gold, iron, copper, lead-zinc and other mineral exploration in West Tianshan, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, has made remarkable progress in recent years. However, due to the dispute on the tectonic division of West Tianshan, the ore-controlling factors and the regional metallogenic laws are controversial. The authors analyze regional gravity data and notice that the high-value region corresponds to the Yili ancient continent, thus the southeastern boundary of the Yili ancient continent is delineated. Comparative analysis of gravity, aeromagnetic and geologic data reveals that the Tulasu basin, where some medium to large epithermal gold deposits locate, lies above the Yili ancient continent; the Yili Carboniferous-Permian rift extends in E-W direction, numbers of copper deposits have been found in the mid-west section of the rift which lies above the Yili ancient continent, whereas few copper deposits have been discovered in the east section which is outside the Yili ancient continent. Accordingly, the Yili ancient continent may he rich in gold, copper and other metal elements; the metal-bearing hydrothermal solution moves up with the activity of magmatism, and deposits in the favorable places (the Tulasu basin and the Yili Carboniferous-Permian rift), forming numerous small and medium gold, copper deposits, as well as some large and super-large gold deposits. Therefore, the tectonic-magmatic hydrothermal zone above the Yili ancient continent should be the prospective area for epithermal gold and copper polymetallic deposits.  相似文献   
2013年中国启动实施了内蒙古自治区新巴尔虎左旗嵯岗国家沙化土地封禁保护区试点。本研究利用2001—2017年生长季NDVI数据分析了嵯岗封禁保护区及周边区域植被长势时空演变特征,分析了多年的生长季降水量和历年旱情,之后利用植被降水利用效率和NDVI残差趋势分析对保护成效进行了评估。结果表明:(1)封禁项目实施之前,封禁区内外植被长势变化趋势基本一致,而在项目实施后的2016、2017年,封禁区内NDVI距平明显高于封禁区外;(2)降水为影响该区域植被长势的主导气候因素,在封禁实施后的2015—2017年该区域连续3 a干旱,极大地限制了区域植被生长;(3)封禁区内植被降水利用效率和NDVI残差均呈现明显的增加趋势,而封禁区外变化不明显,说明封禁提升了植被的自我修复能力;(4)嵯岗封禁保护区由3个地块组成,其中嵯岗林场封禁效果比牧场八队和牧场十一队明显。国家沙化土地封禁保护措施有效促进了植被自我修复,提高了沙漠生态系统应对气候变化的能力。  相似文献   
Information on tree species composition is crucial in forest management and can be obtained using remote sensing. While the topic has been addressed frequently over the last years, the remote sensing-based identification of tree species across wide and complex forest areas is still sparse in the literature. Our study presents a tree species classification of a large fraction of the Białowieża Forest in Poland covering 62 000 ha and being subject to diverse management regimes. Key objectives were to obtain an accurate tree species map and to examine if the prevalent management strategy influences the classification results. Tree species classification was conducted based on airborne hyperspectral HySpex data. We applied an iterative Support Vector Machine classification and obtained a thematic map of 7 individual tree species (birch, oak, hornbeam, lime, alder, pine, spruce) and an additional class containing other broadleaves. Generally, the more heterogeneous the area was, the more errors we observed in the classification results. Managed forests were classified more accurately than reserves. Our findings indicate that mapping dominant tree species with airborne hyperspectral data can be accomplished also over large areas and that forest management and its effects on forest structure has an influence on classification accuracies and should be actively considered when progressing towards operational mapping of tree species composition.  相似文献   
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